Monday, May 4, 2020

Resurrecting an Old Blog...

Do you ever look back at things you wrote years ago, and cringe? Okay, so maybe it's just me. Haha. I recently rediscovered this old blog of mine. I love the premise...a place for me to share my struggles and successes as a mom of young kids. I loved the idea of this. But it was hard to keep up with. And, looking back, I realize how little I really understood at the time. And I guess that was the idea of it...treasures from the trenches...writing while right in the midst of it all.

As the years have passed (all too quickly, I might add), I am realizing more and more that none of us ever truly "arrive," but rather, that we are all on this journey for a lifetime. I have read dozens of parenting books, blogs, and articles over the years. I have listened to hundreds of encouraging podcasts. And I continue to learn and grow through this parenting journey.

I don't know if I will be able to keep up with this blog again. But my heart's desire is to document our family's life and journey. As I am getting older, I am finding that it is getting more and more challenging for me to remember things that happened even a few years ago. The only proof I have are the photographs I took during that time.

So this blog is going to take on a new feel. It is going to become more of a documentary of our family. I want to share the good, the bad, and the beautiful. I may share a little of the ugly, but ugly isn't fun or memorable, so I will not focus on that. I plan to keep a simple Instagram account as well.

As I resurrect this blog, I have decided to keep all of my old posts, regardless of how cringe-worthy they are. But here I am, 8 years later and 3 more kids added to the mix. My husband, Kevin, and I are about to celebrate 18 years of marriage this month. We are partners in this journey and I am SO thankful for his constant support, work, and guidance as we navigate through life together. And I am most thankful to God, because without HIM, I seriously have no idea where I would be!! It is through Christ, alone, that I can do anything good!!

With all that said, here's to a newly resurrected blog...Treasures from the Trenches. I will follow this post with highlights about each of our kiddos over the next few weeks.

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