Friday, April 27, 2012

Before Five in a Row...

This week, we read the very short, simple "The Carrot Seed" by Ruth Krauss. We did a few carrot-related activities, but much of the week was filled with PLAY! We had intended to plant some carrot seeds ourselves, but this week there have been some freeze warnings, so we're going to wait another week before we plant them! I'm not a natural gardener, so we'll see how this goes! :)

They LOVE working with watercolors!
Whoops! :)
{Carrot Math}
I was VERY impressed with his problem-solving skills!

{Imaginative Play}
Isaac loves playing with his "guys."
Naomi's potato baby!
Isaac's potato head creation.
My potato head creation! :)
A little peak at him playing quietly BY HIMSELF. Wish he did this more!
She is a WONDERFUL mommy to all of her babies!
Playing the piano...while balancing on a ball! Hehe!

{Carrot Activities}
Will it come up? YES it will! :)
We talked about what plants need to grow.
Sequencing activity...cutting and pasting work.
Number recognition, counting, and playdough work
Hardest maze I've given him yet...and he BREEZED through it!
Pretended to be wheelbarrows! :)
Painting with CARROTS! :)
Baby sister watches big sister paint!
She loves taking it all in while big brother and sister are playing!

{Household activities}

I was recently encouraged from reading an article somewhere (sorry I can't remember where) to really allow the kids to help me out in the kitchen. I tend to be a control freak in my kitchen. I know what I need done, and I know I'll do it right and quickly. Add two preschoolers into the mix, and it messes everything up! Haha! But OH the learning opportunities from the kitchen! From being a big helper washing dishes to helping stir or add ingredients into a recipe. There is SO much to be learned in the kitchen. So now, this mama is working to include these kiddos AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. And while it's a bit more hectic, they LOVE it!! :)

Isaac does the dishes well.

We also found a bunny nest in our yard this week. Our dog actually found it first, but thankfully, she didn't get any of the bunnies (SIX of them in all). Because of the poor location (our dog would attack them at the first opportunity), we HAD to move the nest, and are really hoping the mama comes back for them. Only time will tell! But the kiddos are totally enamored with them, and it's been an exciting discovery this week, as we've learned all about bunnies and rabbits. The children have also enjoyed pretending that THEY are baby bunnies too! Super cute! :)

Looking at the nest before we moved it!
SO tiny!!
SIX babies all cuddled up.

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