Friday, May 4, 2012

Busy Week Off...

This week we took a break from our Before Five in a Row, but the learning never stops around here! We learned a lot about rabbits and bunnies. We learned about marshmallows. And today, during our Forest School Friday, we learned a little bit about snakes! We spent A LOT of time outdoors this week. The kids LOVE being outside...and do I! Here is our week in pictures...

{sidewalk chalk and water painting}
She loves watching big brother and sister play!
 {Marshmallow counting}

Through doing some research, we learned that marshmallows used to be made from the sap of the marsh-mallow plant, thus giving it its name. Like most things, in recent years they've figured out how to engineer other ingredients to make them (using gelatin instead). They used to have healing properties!! Pretty cool, eh? :)

{Bunnies are cute...and fragile}
We left these sweet babies alone for the most part, but now they are gone. Our dog got out and we think she scared them off. We have no clue where they are now. Hope they've found a new nest and are doing well!!

{We got a new TOY!}
He LOVES practicing his gymnastics moves!
She loves to hang!

{Car washing and playing in the hose}

 {Forest School Friday}
here's what baby's doing while we're out there...
running through the trails
LOVED swinging from the vines/branches!
a natural jungle gym!!
balancing on a log
time to clean our feet (just an excuse to jump in the creek)
Found this snake swimming near by!
splashing in mud puddles is fun too!
another lesson on density...some things float and some do not.
monkey boy!
some friends came and joined us!!
Yes...he's a BOY...which means he loves to pester his sister!

We had a great time out there today! Isaac was SO excited about the snake. And upon doing some research, we found that there are only FOUR venomous snakes in the state of Indiana...and they are all in the pit viper family (two types of rattlesnakes, the cottonmouth, and the northern copperhead)...none of which are found in central Indiana. So we're SAFE! :) It was just so great to get them outside and in the woods. They LOVED it!!

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